Thursday, March 13, 2025

Bahamas 2025

Unfortunately, weather only allowed for a short stay in the Berry Islands…one of our favorite places!  Under normal circumstances we try to never let a ‘schedule’ determine our movement, as this is how boats usually get in to trouble, but we had to be in Nassau by December 18 to see our oldest granddaughter, Alexis, compete in Gymnastics.  A weather window opened about a week before we wanted to leave the Berries, and the extended forecast showed it was our only chance to get to Nassau before the competition…so we took the window, and had a great passage.

Once in Nassau we anchored at Junkanoo Beach, near the cruise ship terminal, for one night, then moved to Athol Island for protection from the strong north wind, which blew for the next 7 days. The ‘schedule’ ended up working out perfectly, and we checked into our slip at Atlantis Marina right on time.
Cruise ships were moving every evening and every morning.

So happy to be able to take Alexis and her friends (and their families) out on the boat during their ‘down’ time.

Wonderful to have some family time with Christopher, Christina, and Alexis!

Fun for everyone.

The competition was spectacular! Great job, girls😘

We left Atlantis on Dec. 23, and headed to the northern Exumas (luckily the weather cooperated).

We enjoyed a beautiful and peaceful Christmas on anchor at Little Spirit Cay, and spent the afternoon on this beach.

People are surprised to see that we do decorate, but due to space constraints all of our decorations must fit in one bin. This has caused me to be very selective and a little creative👍

Our next ‘scheduled’ stop was Staniel Cay. Nicole and the girls were scheduled to fly into Staniel on January 6.  There was no pressure or worry about making it, since once we were in the lee (the side sheltered from the wind) of the Exuma chain it was easy to move from island to island without going into rough water. We had more than a week to cover less than 50 miles. It was island hopping at its best!

The short hops left ample time for snorkeling, and we were on a mission to stock some lobster for our incoming guests…success!

Everyone arrived safely, and we had one week to explore the northern Exumas with three of our favorite girls😘


An amazing time was had by all, and we were super happy to catch up with Eddie & Gail, before Nicole had to leave.

Nicole flew out of Staniel on Jan. 14, and Lucy and Maggie stayed on Right Hand for another two and a half weeks! During that time, we traveled from Staniel to Great Exuma exploring islands and snorkel grounds that were new to all of us.
Apparently, David Copperfield commissioned this underwater statue to be installed near his private island.

This is the most amazing osprey nest I have ever seen!

This bull shark visited our boat, two evenings in a row…time to relocate our boat!

The day before the girls were scheduled to fly home, we attempted one final snorkel excursion. We didn’t have high expectations, as the wind had been very strong, waves (outside) were still high, and visibility was less than ideal.  We found a small reef that looked very damaged, but to our amazement we experienced the most incredible sighting of an octopus we had ever witnessed! 

Keith was the first to spot it, but by the time he corralled us back to the spot it was gone. We swam very slowly, keeping still for long periods of time, until it was spotted in a small cave. The octopus would stick an eye out and look at us, then duck back inside. Eventually she/he must have concluded that we were harmless, and it started to move along the reef. At times the movement looked like a lava flow. In all, this beautiful creature showed itself 5 different times…WOW!

I told Lucy that she inspired the good octopus omen, because she had just finished reading ‘Remarkably Bright Creatures’ the day before, and we talked about how amazing and elusive octopi seemed to be!

On Jan. 28, I accompanied the girls back to Charleston from Great Exuma Island.

In a few days, I’ll catch you up on our February excitement.


  1. Those girls have the best grandparents!!

    1. It’s hard to be so far away, but I am confident we are building lasting memories even though we don’t get to see them often!


Bahamas 2025

Unfortunately, weather only allowed for a short stay in the Berry Islands…one of our favorite places!  Under normal circumstances we try to ...