Monday, January 27, 2020

Lawn Art

This post is dedicated to some of the art we have seen during this trip down the ICW.  Art is in the eye of the viewer.  Art can be an act of expression, a statement, or something that evokes feelings.  My favorite description when I searched for the meaning of art was “...a way to expand the human experience.”  I felt that statement was fitting for this post.  We are sharing these art experiences with you.  Again, I will be totally transparent regarding my lack of art knowledge (just like geography and history, and many would argue my grasp of the English language😉).  I started this art journey by reflecting about what each piece said about the person who selected and displayed that item in their yard.  I realized that approach took away from the art, and instead I decided to focus on how each piece made me feel.  I will share a few of my feelings, but I invite you to assign your own feelings/titles to each piece.

Deep Sea Dreams

Creepy (like Silence of the Lambs creepy)

Venus Fly Trap

Absolute Freedom

I’m Not Talking to You!

Olympic Hopeful

Crocodile Rock

WT# (I have no words)

The Meaning of Life (and I’m not talking about the huge bar in the background)

What Do You See?

I’m So Hungry...I Could Eat That Fan

I’m Your Huckleberry


Horseshoe Magic

Sooo Much Fun

Keep Your Eyes on the Spinning Loops...You are Getting Sleepy

Bogie at 9 O’clock

I Assure You...I am not a Manatee

Reflection (This is my favorite piece! I absolutely love the distorted reflections...the colors and images.)

Nike of Samothrace - Winged Victory (when I saw this piece I was intrigued by the ‘headless angel’, and even though I had no idea what I was looking at I felt that I probably should know.  Clearly this isn’t an old pirate or gorilla someone found at a yard sale.  So I Googled it...
“The Winged Victory of Samothrace is a marble Hellenistic sculpture of Nike (the Greek goddess of victory), that was created in the 2nd century BC.  Since 1884, it has been displayed at the Louve and is one of the most celebrated sculptures in the world”

Well now I feel really stupid for not knowing about this sooner.  Clearly art does expand the human experience!

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